Tuesday, September 6, 2016


We have made it through the first week of school!

We will be talking about a different letter each day this week.  We are playing a name game where children will be sorting their name by the letter of the day.  This allows the children to quickly learn their peers names along with letters in their own name.  They begin to see similarities with letters in their friends names and their own.  

The children are working very hard on learning the routine of the day along with school rules this week.  The biggest  ideas that we focus on are:

*Kind words with friends
*Hands off our friends
*Walking feet

That is just a start ;)

Please let me know if you have any questions!  
Email is the best way to reach me.

Dates to Remember:

September 15th- School Pictures
September 15th- CDS Screening 
September 16th- CDS Screening
September 16th- Book Orders must be returned by today

September 30th-End of Unit Celebration 

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